Here are some updates for everyone!!!
1. The Garage Sale was a HUGE success! We were able to raise almost $1,400 towards the cost of our adoption. Thank you to everyone who donated items & tables, sorted items, and shopped! We still have an entire garage full of stuff, so we plan on having another sale this summer :) For a few days we felt like hoarders! It was amazing how much stuff was donated to help us out!
Michael & my dad organizing the garage (the entire driveway was covered with stuff)
Our garage was packed full. We also filled our neighbors garage with stuff, too!
My mom helped sort clothes
This is basically what our whole house looked like!
Boone just laid in the piles of stuff (I'm sorry, we really love our cat...)
These are our church friends, Laura & her hubby Jason. They bought an entire car full of stuff!!
I am kicking myself that I didn't take more pictures of everyone who was involved in the process. For everyone who helped out & came to the sale, THANK YOU!
2. Shelley, the AMAZING go to person from our adoption agency, contacted me last weekend and let me know that all of our apostilled documents made their way safely to her. She sent everything in to our adoption country to be translated.
3. Our USCIS application was received. We are waiting on Biometrics dates (fingerprints) and then it should be a few weeks (maybe more) until we get the pre-immigration approval. Once we get the approval, we will send it in and our entire Dossier will be submitted. Then....we wait.

We are having a HUGE Barn Dance/Silent Auction for our adoption fundraising. The raffle prizes and silent auction items are AWESOME. Come on out for a night of fun!
WHEN: June 13 6pm - 10pm
COST: $10 per adult and $3 per child
WHERE: 17313 Cherry Tree Road, Noblesville, IN 46062
NEED MORE INFO?: E-mail me at
*Find me on Facebook and I can add you to the event. We have more details posted.*
1. Please continue to pray for a quick timeline for our adoption. We would LOVE to be able to travel on trip one at the end of July/beginning of August. We recognize that this may not look possible on paper, but God is capable of anything :) We trust his timing.
2. Please continue to pray for our fundraising!
3. Most of all, please pray for our son- may he be held, loved, nurtured, and comforted. May he know deep down that his mommy, daddy, family, friends, and even strangers are fighting hard to bring him home.
4. Pray for the many many children who do not have forever homes yet. Pray that families will feel led to adopt!!
God continues to amaze us with his provision and the people he is bringing in our path. We met some amazing neighbors during our garage sale. Many of them had personal stories of adoption and were quick to donate to the cause. We are truly humbled by the generosity of our friends, family, and even complete strangers. All glory goes to God! We pray that our adoption story can bring people to know God personally. Some may think this is a crazy journey- but we wouldn't want it any other way. It has been amazing how God has shown us that if we just say "YES" to his call, he will guide our every step. Our trust and faith have grown exponentially throughout these past three months.